4 Show me your ways, Lord,

    teach me your paths.

5 Guide me in your truth and teach me,

    for you are God my Savior,

    and my hope is in you all day long. (S)

Wow, how I love the Psalms! The 27th Psalm speaks to me in each and every verse. It is. Psalm of great hope and comfort. I have chosen verses 4 and 5 for my observation (O). We should be striving to be in the presence of the Lord every day and ask and let Him direct us, listen to Him, learn from Him and form our lives around Him. He will protect and comfort us if we put our faith in Him. This should be a daily not just when we have worries and trouble. How do I (A) apply to my life. Daily prayer, at set aside times, at odd times during the day and evening. Not just “needy” time but during easy times because surely the hard, difficult times will come. I always include thankfulness for all He does for me, the many blessings, and His love which I feel always.

(P)rayer: Heavenly Father, love me, protect me, guide me, show me your ways all the days of my life. Prepare me to live in your sanctuary. I am thankful for all you give to me. Amen

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Wonderful. This is a favorite psalm of mine for precisely these two verses in particular!

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Whoops, meant 25 Psalm rather than 27!

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Ha! Yes, and I read it the way you meant it and didn't notice!

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