Apr 6, 2023Liked by Guy M Williams

I really am thankful that I'm in a position where I can "act toward outsiders" every day. I try to show excitement for holiness every day. Just like we learned in bible study, we are ALL made in His image, so we are ALL good or born as "insiders". But, we do make human mistakes and bad choices. I really believe that we have to work hard at emulating compassion, grace, and love to all to show people that we can bask in that redeeming sun (even in sad times).

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What opportunities do you have to “act toward outsiders” in a way that might proclaim or display God’s grace in Christ?

Exactly what we are trying to encourage in our church! To engage with people new to our congregation; to welcome, to encourage and let them know we are happy to see them in our sanctuary and want them to join us in worship and to come back!

Your “observation” answered questions I have had concerning God’s covenant people and we “outsiders”......thanks! Now I get it!

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